Fr. Mark Wendling, SOLT
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More about Fr. Mark Wendling, SOLT
Fr. Mark Wendling, SOLT, was born in Burlington, Ontario, Canada and majored in Biochemistry and Chemistry at the University of Toronto. He was ordained to the priesthood on May 11, 2003 and serves as the Vocations Director and Rector of Seminarians in Detroit, Michigan. He first heard about SOLT through volunteer teaching at the SOLT Mission in Belize. His contact was his best friend from university who’s parent were SOLT lay members, and who had also taught in Belize.His calling to the priesthood was through a life-changing experience of the joy encountered in serving the poor and needy while volunteer teaching. He was inspired by the faith of his friends who were also volunteers with him as well as the example and friendship of a 30+ year missionary priest and WWII veteran, Fr. John McHugh. These factors increased his faith and catalyzed an acceptance of the faith in a personal way that directed his life and vision. When God made clear His desire that Fr. Mark be a priest, the seeking of perfect happiness in His will was what made his “yes” an easy and possible one. His favorite part of mission life is the constant adventure, change, and the thrill and privilege of being on the “front lines” of the work of God, in close contact with His beloved: those on the peripheries and margins, the poor, and broken.