Dr. Janet E. Smith
Professor Smith is the author of Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later and A Right to Privacy. Her volume entitled Self-Gift contains her previously published essays on Humanae Vitae and the thought of John Paul II.
She edited Why Humanae Vitae is Right: A Reader; Life Issues, Medical Choices (with Christopher Kaczor); Living the Truth in Love: Pastoral Approaches to Same-Sex Attractions (with R. Paul Check); and Why Humanae Vitae is Still Right, a reader with 21 essays by various authors.
More than two million copies of her talk, “Contraception: Why Not” have been distributed.
Professor Smith served three terms as a consulter to the Pontifical Council on the Family, and 8 years on the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission III.
She authors a regular column for the National Catholic Register and has appeared on Geraldo, Fox Morning News, CNN International, CNN Newsroom, AlJazeera, and EWTN among others. Professor Smith has received three honorary doctorates and several awards for her scholarship and service.
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